A Feature Presentation of Hinged.press

Introducing (Un)Hinged

The Creative Nonfiction section of Hinged.press


Did you find yourself in an absurd situation? Did you witness an improbable sequence of events? Did you see some sweet karma being dealt out? Do you have a story that starts with the words I swear, I am not making this up?
I know you do. We all do. Most of us have plenty of real-life stories collecting dust in the back in our mind, until something prompts a recall.

Those memories may have a home in (Un)Hinged. We want to know what happened to you, from the huge and life changing to the small and mundane. If it is important enough for you to remember, it may be a story we can all relate to!

In (Un)Hinged you will be prompted, not by objects, but by situations and settings. Each month we will release a group of 4 prompts. You can submit for any of the prompts at any time until the new prompts are released. We will publish any submissions we have accepted on the same day as the regular edition of Hinged.press. If we get your submission in before midnight on Thursday, it will be published on Saturday, If we get it on Friday, it will be published on Saturday the week after that.

There are a few ground rules:

  1. Change names to protect the innocent and guilty alike.
  2. Hit pieces on any individual won’t be accepted
  3. Hate speech against any group won’t be accepted
  4. Try to be entertaining. Unfiltered rage is kind of boring.
  5. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Stories that paint the author as holier than Mother Theresa will be rejected on grounds of fiction.
  6. Turn off metering unless you’re a Patreon member.
  7. Submit your story as a draft with the subtitle: Unhinged. Also, make one of the tags UnHinged

We are sure the need for more or differently worded rules will be made apparent as we go along, so keep an eye out for revisions.

Your (Un)Hinged prompts this month are:

Stuck In Traffic

Video Call

Grocery Shopping

Overheard Conversation



Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.